Speaking and

Our unique program explores
the concept of Modern Masculinity.

We have three workshops available
that cover how to discover Modern Masculinity at work.


They can be delivered in the following formats:

  1. Modern Masculinity speech or interactive workshop
    (2 hours for 10-100 people)

  2. Modern Masculinity interactive workshop with personal development exercises (4 hours or 1 day)

  3. Modern Masculinity in Leadership (for both men and women) (2-day program)


 The participants of our keynotes
and workshops will discover

  • How feminine and masculine principles have always embraced each other in various traditions and how that is relevant for leaders today.

  • How Carl G. Jung, a great 20th-century psychologist, reminded the world that all of us have a feminine and masculine side of our personalities—the Animus and Anima, as he called it. Inner health, balance, and self-actualization require awareness and integration of both of these sides. This awareness is the key to effective leadership and building an inclusive culture.

  • How most diversity programs make a big mistake by assuming that by purely having more female leaders, they will achieve more diversity in their teams and boards. However, research shows that most women in leadership positions often adopt a hyper-masculine style to survive rather than embracing a more feminine leadership approach.

  • How do you build a culture of men who lead by being aware both of their feminine and masculine aspects? How do you build a culture of women who are not discouraged to lead with their feminine side as well?

  • How and why we need leaders who have mastered the maturity continuum of tenderness and firmness. Real diversity starts by being able to acknowledge our own full inner team of masculine and feminine and developing a mature balance between the two.

  • How a trusted team leader is the foundation for building highly engaged teams across all countries, industries, and positions. A good way for us to start building trust is to expand our consciousness beyond the usual distortions and stereotypes. We must begin to embrace masculine and feminine energies, no matter the gender of the person expressing them. 

 Speaking request